Kreitzman & Kreitzman, CPAs of Hauppauge, NY has comprehensive knowledge in preparing Audits, Reviews and Compilations of your financial records in accordance with standards set forth by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Kreitzman & Kreitzman, CPAs is a full-service accounting firm. Our expertise is not only in utilizing an “outside-in” approach in our analysis of your operations, but an “inside-out” approach as well. We dive in head first into your financial operation. We consult with you along the way and aid you in improving your internal controls, the efficiency in your supply chain and make recommendations on the best practices to encourage your business’ growth and continued success.
Kreitzman & Kreitzman, CPAs of Hauppauge, NY provides year-round tax planning and preparation for their clients. It is this persistence in our communication that reveals our true value to you. We realize that to “fail to plan is a plan to fail.” With that in mind, we implement planning procedures throughout the year so that there are no surprises when year-end rolls around.
Kreitzman & Kreitzman, CPAs of Hauppauge, NY specializes in multiple areas such as Commercial and Residential Construction, Distribution and Wholesalers and Leasing and Sales Tax.