Specialized Industries Accounting Services

Commercial and Residential Construction
Kreitzman & Kreitzman, CPAs of Hauppauge, NY has exceptional knowledge with regards to accounting for commercial and residential contractors, as well as tradesmen such as electricians and plumbers.
Currently, we have multiple construction clients whose sales range between $3 million and $40 million per year. These contractors perform work on Long Island and New York City as well as other regions throughout the United States.
This specialized knowledge and experience of contractor accounting is a benefit to our clients when it comes time to prepare financial statements for Bonding Companies, Insurance Companies and Financial Institutions as well as assistance in navigating labor union payroll, certified payroll, worker’s compensation, and general liability audits, and sales tax registration and preparation.
Kreitzman & Kreitzman, CPAs has approximately 30 years’ experience working with distributors and wholesalers on an intimate level. Two of our longest-tenured clients happen to be distributors/wholesalers.
Whether it is aiding you in creating the optimal supply chain, assisting in valuation of inventory or consulting on a new product line, our experienced professionals will be there to encourage your growth and provide the financial information you will require to bring your company to that next level.
Kreitzman & Kreitzman, CPAs, for the last 15 years, has been working with a major financial institution in implementing controls and remitting state sales tax on their leasing arrangements. We provide consultation, as well as the application of the state sales tax regulations in our assistance of your organization.
This extensive knowledge in the leasing industry has also allowed us to provide attestation and evaluation services for major financial institutions who have portfolios that are serviced by other financial institutions.